Management Board's Consultation Bodies
Nomination Committee of SSH (KK)
In accordance with the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Act (ZSDH-1) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 25/2014), the Nomination Committee is the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Management Board's consultation body in charge of performing recruitment procedures related to the recruitment of members of supervisory bodies of state-owned enterprises, the procedures for the candidates ' evaluation and the procedures for their accreditation.
Members of the Nomination Committe are:
- Samo Roš, President
- Urška Podpečan, Deputy President
- Vlasta Lenardič, Member
Expert Committee for Economic and Social Affairs (ECESA)
The Expert Committee for Economic and Social Affairs (ECESA) is the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Management Board's consultation body responsible for providing opinions and initiatives related to the economic and social affairs. Opinions and initiatives are adopted at the ECESA sessions that are related to affairs which result or may result in issues concerning the labour law, the company's Articles of Association or have or may have social impacts. ECESA holds the right to inform the public of its viewpoints, when no confidential information regarding SSH or companies managed by SSH are disclosed by such viewpoints, specifically, by means of joint press releases which have been harmonised with the SSH Management Board.
Composition of ECESA
ECESA is composed of seven representatives of the Slovenia’s representative trade unions and confederations who are members of the Economic and Social Council. The ECESA members are appointed by the trade unions and confederations mentioned above, and their appointment is approved by the SSH Management Board. The term of office of the ECESA members is five years, and the President of ECESA is elected from among the ECESA members by the ECESA members.+
The ECESA members are
- Zdenko Lorber – the Slovenian Union of Alternative Trade Unions of Slovenia, President
- Saška Kiara Kumer – the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia, Deputy President
- Damjan Volf – the Confederation of Trade Unions 90 Slovenia
- Albert Pavlič – the Association of Workers Trade Unions of Slovenia – Solidarity,
- Branimir Štrukelj – the Confederation of Slovenian Public Sector Trade Unions,
- Miroslav Garb – the Confederation of new Trade Unions of Slovenia - Independence,
- Jakob Počivavšek - the Pergam Confederation of Trade Unions.