Exercising of shareholder’s rights includes the exercise of the following core corporate rights:
Rights to governance:
- the right to participate at the annual General Meeting,
- the voting right which is exercised at the General Meeting in matters falling under the responsibility of the General Meeting,
- the right to information.
Property rights:
- the right to participate in the profit for appropriation generated by the company,
- the right to company’s assets left after all debts of creditors have been satisfied in a case of the company’s liquidation.
Rights exercised by SSH at the General Meeting of companies or outside the General Meeting:
Rights arising from responsibilities pertaining to the General Meeting of a company in regard to which SSH participates by exercising the right to participate at the annual General Meeting and the right to vote at the annual General Meeting, are as follow:
a. personnel decisions:
- the appointment and dismissal of members of the Supervisory or Management Boards,
- making decisions on granting the discharge to the members of corporate bodies of management or supervision,
- a motion of no confidence,
- the appointment of auditors;
b. business decisions:
- the information about and the adoption of the Annual Report,
- decision making in regard to the distribution of the profit for appropriation,
- granting consents to business decisions;
c. core corporate decisions:
- the adoption of and the modification of the Articles of Association of a company,
- making decisions in regard to measures for capital increases or decreases in capital,
- the conclusion of undertaking contracts,
- the restructuring of a company ,
- the decision on the winding up of a company;
d. other decisions:
- making a decision to conduct a special audit,
- making a decision to conduct an extraordinary audit,
- an application for initiating action for damages.
Rights which are exercised outside of the General Meeting (some independently of the shareholding amount held in the share capital, and some as the right of a minority shareholder holding the prescribed shareholding in the share capital of a company):
a. the right to the enforcement of some applications by way of judicial proceedings:
- the right to a special audit,
- the right to an extraordinary audit,
- the action for damages brought against members of management or supervisory bodies (actio pro socio),
- the enforcing of nullity and contestability of the General Meeting Resolutions,
- the judicial enforcement of the dismissal issued to a member of the Supervisory Board;
b. the requirement for the convocation of the General Meeting;
c. the right to add an additional item on the agenda of the already convened General Meeting;
d. the right to counter-proposal (including the voting proposal);
e. the right to subscribe new shares in cases of capital increases in proportion to own shareholidngs in the
share capital.