News 13. 4. 2015

Today was the deadline to submit the binding offers for the purchase of the Telekom Slovenije, d. d.

Today was the deadline for the submision of binding offers for the acquisition of a majority stake in Telekom Slovenije, d.d. (code TLSG) (Telekom Slovenije). Slovenian Sovereign Holding (SSH), acting on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia, Kapitalska družba pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja, d. d., Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d., Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. and in the name of SSH (Consortium of Sellers), which own a total of 4,754,523 ordinary registered non-par value shares representing a 72.75% shareholding in the share capital of Telekom Slovenije, received one binding offer for the acquisition of a majority stake in Telekom Slovenije.


”Disclaimer: All announcements in English language are for information purposes only."

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