News 9. 6. 2014

Expiration of Deadline for Submission of Indicative Offers for Telekom Slovenije

9 June 2014


The deadline for submission of indicative offers for the acquisition of 4,754,523 shares representing 72.75% of the share capital of Telekom Slovenije, d. d., expired on 2 June 2014.


Slovenska odškodninska družba, d. d., has received indicative offers from a number of leading strategic and financial investors.


Only those investors who submitted the most economically advantageous offers and demonstrate the financial and legal capacity and certainty to acquire the shares will be selected to participate in the next stage of the process.


The sale process will progress according to the envisaged time schedule. The selection decision is expected to be communicated to investors by the end of this week and the next stage of the process will commence promptly thereafter.

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