News 2. 4. 2014

Invitation to Submit an Expression of Interest (Telekom Slovenija)

Ljubljana, 2. 4. 2014 – On 2 April 2014 Slovenska odškodninska družba, d. d., acting on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia, Kapitalska družba pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja, d. d., Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d., Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d., and in name of Slovenska odškodninska družba, d. d., (together the “Sellers”), published in Slovenian and foreign media an Announcement of Invitation to Submit an Expression of Interest for the potential sale of 4,754,523 ordinary registered non-par value shares representing 72.75% of the share capital of Telekom Slovenije d.d. (“Telekom Slovenije”), which are currently owned by the Sellers (the “Transaction”).


Additional shareholders of Telekom Slovenije, which collectively own 185,270 shares representing 2.83% of the Telekom Slovnija’s share capital, have signed Letters of Intent expressing an interest in selling their shares in the context of the Transaction. These additional shares, together with the shares of the Sellers, represent 75.58% of the share capital of Telekom Slovenije.


The full text of the invitation for expression of interest (the “Invitation”), which includes details of the requirements for the submission of expression of interest and other process related matters is available on Slovenska odškodninska družba’s website ( and is also available upon request from the Citigroup Global Markets Limited professionals listed in the Announcement. A summary briefing document regarding Telekom Slovenije (the “Teaser”) is also available upon request.


Interested Parties are invited to express their interest to participate in the multi-stage process for selecting the preferred counterparty for the Transaction (the “Process”) by submitting a letter of expression of interest, as specified in the Invitation and accompanied by certain documentation (the “Expression of Interest”).


The deadline for the submission of the Expression of Interest is 5 pm GMT on 23rd April 2014.


Slovenska odškodninska družba, d. d.




Nataša Novak, PR Advisor

+386 (0)1 300 91 55

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