Slovenska odškodninska družba, d.d., concluded a contract on legal counselling and the contract with the provider of vendor due diligence in the sale of shares of Nova KBM, d.d.
On 31 January 2013, Slovenska odškodninska družba, d.d., (SOD) submitted to law firms an invitation to submit a bid for legal consulting services and legal due diligence in the process of the sale of shares of Nova KBM, d.d. According to the assessment by SOD that legal services from a relatively broad legal field will be needed and considering the significance of the sale transaction, the invitation was submitted to domestic and foreign law firms.
Six bids arrived on time.
After the presentations of the bidders put on a shortlist and following the negotiations regarding the elements of the legal consulting services contract, SOD made a decision and selected the law firm White & Case, in collaboration with the law firm Ulčar & Partners, to provide legal consulting services and implement legal due diligence in the process of the sale of shares of Nova KBM, d.d. The contract was concluded on 13 March 2014.
The contract with the provider of vendor due diligence was concluded on 5 March 2014.
On 6 February 2014, SOD submitted to potential bidders an invitation to submit a bid for the implementation of vendor due diligence in the process of the sale of shares of Nova KBM, d.d. Three bids arrived on time.
After the analysis of bids put on a shortlist, SOD made a decision to select KPMG, poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o. as the provider of vendor due diligence.
The financial advisor, Lazard, took part in both selection processes, made the analysis and provided an evaluation of the submitted bids.
” Disclaimer: All announcements in English language are for information purposes only."