1. 3. 2023
Invitation to submit binding bids to purchase Vila Operetta in Opatija – SDH ID 5079
The subject of the sale is real estate with the following ID: parcel 525 in the cadastral community of Opatija, land register entry no. 635, measuring 1,302 m2.
The indicative net sales price of the subject of the contract shall be stipulated in the amount of EUR 5,950,000.00 + associated tax. The associated real estate tax (3% real estate tax/25% VAT in accordance with the agreement on the calculation of VAT under point 3 of Article 75 of the Croatian VAT Act for a purchase for business purposes) shall be stated in the subsequent contract of sale and shall be paid by the Buyer
The deadline for the submission of binding bids (the bidding deadline) shall be 6 April 2023 (by 23.59.59).